[13.9] Beagle's ULTIMATE Diamond Kai'Sa Guide [IN-DEPTH] (2024)

Season 13 Spell-Slinger Build Rundown:

This is a brand NEW premier build for Kai'Sa. It's currently her #1 GO-TO build and for good reason! With this build, its all about constantly autoing to keep your abilities off cooldown, most notably Supercharge, as it always keep your attack speed high and you can constantly reposition with the invisibility that Supercharge provides. Most people you see will go Navori Quickblades as a 2nd item, but thats


. Going Phantom Dancer as a second item provides you with 2 Evolves instead of just ONE. You trade out slightly more damage and Q evolve for attack speed, kiting potential, Q Evolve AND E evolve. With that being said, I personally think going Navori Quickblades as your THIRD item is your best bet as the Phantom Dancer spike is much MUCH better.

When do I use this build?
You can use this build


every single game, it's carry potential as of NOW is unmatched. Having all of your abilities off cooldown constantly as well as high attack speed to shred through people will make even lesser Kai'Sa players feel like a monster. This is the


build as of right now. It could change in the future but this is a fantastic build for her.

Watch the example video below to see how fantastic this build is and watch me take over a game in a mere 20 minutes.


Season 13 Navori Hybrid Rundown:

Just like the build above, this one is the same general consensus. High attack speed, your abilities are always up, blah blah blah. BUT, with this build, You have all 3 of your evolves. Your Q, W and E evolves all work in tandem to produce this crazy outrageous hybrid hyper carry monster version of Kai'Sa! This build is centered around autoing and constantly using Void Seeker as it's on a WAY lower cooldown with her evolve if you land it. Combine this with constantly auto attacking and you'll be spamming 2-3 Void Seekers per fight at a minimum!

When do I use this build?
Same as the previous build, you can get away with this pretty much every game. Although it truly shines when your team lacks some AP and the enemy team is stacking armor. This one does take a bit of practice and awareness, getting used to knowing your W is always up and weaving it in between autos is




Beagle's On-Hit Hybrid Rundown:

So this build is from season 12. This is a build I created a while back. I hopped on PBE and tested this out immediately the second I heard of AP/Passive scaling Kai'Sa buffs back in Season 12 and this build has been

used to be my GO TO BUILD

since then.From the survivability with Wit's End and Zhonya's Hourglass, the kiting potential, attack speed and on-hit from Nashor's Tooth paired with Wit's End makes this build a GREAT option for Kai'Sa. Though this build has lost some traction because of the recent crit changes ( Navori Quickblades and Infinity Edge), I still think it has a place in some of your games!

When do I use this build?
This build truly gets its MOST VALUE when you need to kite a LOT and need some extra magic damage. But as i stated, you can go this build in all of your games if you truly want to! The MR from Wit's End helps you sustain from AP mages and Zhonya's Hourglass saves you from annoying assassins like Zed and Talon.

Use the video below to see me literally take inting teammates and


and completely 1v9 the game using this build.


Full AP Assassin Rundown:

This build is on par with my On-Hit Hybrid build listed above when it comes to CARRY POTENTIAL. This build you're going a FULL AP route, not prioritizing ANY AD physical damage. Remember, this is important:WITH THIS BUILD, ALWAYS PUT 3 POINTS INTO YOUR Q AND THEN MAX YOUR W FOR MAXIMUM POTENTIAL. Its extremely important to get your max order correct as it defines this build, getting your Void Seeker to level 5 as quick as possible out of laning phase is important to minimize your Void Seeker cooldown and maximize its damage. This build is all about hitting your Void Seeker constantly from range for poke and then using Killer Instinct + Void Seeker combo to finish them off and completely one shot them. Figure out how to do/pull off the R+W combo in the "Combos" section of the guide.

When do I use this build?
This build is


against ranged squishies when you have little to NO AP damage on your team. Take note that this build loses value if they have healing champs like Soraka or Senna. Or you're up against a spell shield champion like Galio. Its not UNBUILDABLE, but it's a little bit harder to pull off than typical.
Remember hitting your Void Seeker is absolutely MANDATORY. Its all of your damage.

In the example below, i showcase full gameplay of the AP Assassin build and show its raw potential in a high elo Diamond 1 game. Please feel free to check it out to adapt your playstyle!


Phantom Dancer Kite Build:

Ok so, this build is centered around Kai'Sa's great DPS potential. With this build instead of prioritizing your early Q evolve like you would with the majority of Kai'Sa's builds. You prioritize full buying Kraken Slayer. For the earliest Q evolve in this build, you need Kraken Slayer and 2 Long Swords. Once you get to your Phantom Dancer, this build really starts to power on. Phantom Dancer is such a fantastic item for Kai'Sa. It gives movement speed from attacks, it ghosts you, allowing you to move through units and most importantly, you get an insane amount of attack speed on max stacks of its passive.

When do I use this build?
To start off, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BUILD FOR NEWER Kai'Sa PLAYERS AS ITS BY FAR THE EASIEST TO UNDERSTAND AND USE. Now, you typically want to prioritize this Kai'Sa build when you're against a lot of tanks/melee champs that you need to kite and dish out tons of DPS, hence why most of the time I'm going this build, im building Lord Dominik's Regards as a third item and then an Infinity Edge, most tanks and bruisers love armor, and the innate shredding potential with this build mixed with Kai'Sa passive makes for an insane damage dealer.

Feel free to give my video below a watch on where I make a HUGE comeback with the build I just talked about! Not to mention, Star Guardian Kai'Sa!


Snowballing Galeforce AD Rundown:

This build is great for SNOWBALLING your lead against


. Galeforce to finish off kills and combo with Killer Instinct, Rapid Firecannon for easy access to your Killer Instinct reposition and for assassination capabilities. And adding Navori Quickblades and Bloodthirster for repositioning and survivability.

When do I use this build?
So this build is great for a decent number of scenarios. Up against Caitlyn and Xerath? Maybe Ezreal and Lux? Galeforce is GREAT here as long as there's 1 tank or less on the enemy team. Using Galeforce to get into range of those champs and then ulting to them is a great way to deal with them during laning phase. Once you walk out of laning phase into the midlane, you switch up your playstyle to more of a pick/assassin type and look for Void Seeker snipes into a fast Killer Instinct > Icathian Rain > Galeforce combo for a quick kill. This build is all about snowballing and punishing those squishies for being out of position, so play to that!

In the example below, it's a full gameplay video of how to ACTUALLY play the build out of laning phase and punish people for making positional mistakes. Please take a look!


I know I didnt explain every build, but i want to say that, Kai'Sa has so many different builds for certain situations. Feel free to experiment with the rest of the builds to find which you like best for what situations!

[13.9] Beagle's ULTIMATE Diamond Kai'Sa Guide [IN-DEPTH] (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.