15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (2024)

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Posted by Jenny

This is probably not the smartest business move for a cookbook author who writesbooks with 100+ recipes…or for a food blogger who wants readers to, you know, come back tomorrow — but I am going to say it anyway: In spite of everything you’ve read (on this blog and elsewhere), you really only need a handful of culinary moves in your back pocket to survive as a parent. Here’s the indisputably comprehensive, 100% definitive, not-at-all-subjective repertoire Andy and I came up with for your reading and cooking pleasure.

The Elixir
Chicken Orzo Soup (page 290,Dinner: A Love Story)
Why:Because there’s no problem that can’t be hashed out over a bowl of this stuff.
Best When:It’s soccer or football season; you want to make a deposit in the freezer bank; your best friend and her kids are coming for a weekend lunch; your son is under the weather; your daughter is stressed about the algebra test.

The Stalwart
Homemade Pizza
Why: Because it’s easier than you think.
Best When: You want to go under-the-radar meatless with the kids; you’re trying to clear out an end-of-the-week refrigerator; lots of people with lots of kids and lots of different tastes are coming for dinner; you add up how much you spent on take-out last month and have a sad, empty feeling deep down inside.

The New Staple
Kale Salad
Why: Why not? Seriously, though. Because kale has so much more earthy flavor, more nutritional punch, more oomph and body than regular lettuce (no offense, regular lettuce), and because even the smallest portion feels like it has the magical power of canceling out that cider donut you ate this morning.
Best When:Your kids are too young to understand that people might make fun of them (and their parents) for eating kale. If you can hook ’em young, you’re golden. And if you don’t wan’t to call it kale, lie and call it “salad.” How’s that for ethical parenting?

The Ol’ Reliable
Why: Because I guarantee you have all the ingredients in your house at all times.
Best When: You forgot to make something for the bake sale and the bake sale is tomorrow; you are charged with bring the classroom peanut-free treat; you are in the mood to blow big and small minds alike.

The Template
Chicken and Rice
Why: Because it’s not just learning a recipe, it’s learning a technique.
Best When: You are transitioning the baby to real food; you are learning how to cook; the kids are on a Sendak bender.

The Holiday Hallmark

Why: Because it’s important to get kids associating certain holidays with certain dishes (and because, forreal, when else can you justify it?)
Best When: A fire is blazing in the hearth; you have the whole day to do nothing but bake beans and carve pumpkins; you’ve invited every witch, ghost, princess, and Ironman (and their parents) for a trick-or-treat launch party.

The All-Purpose Bake-a-Gift
Homemade GranolaWhy: Because in our almost twelve years of parenting, we have yet to find a situation where a Mason jar filled with the stuff isn’t a sufficient expression of gratitude when someone has done us a favor.
Best When: Your neighbor babysat for your borderline insane Boston Terrier while you were away; a fellow soccer mom has been doing the lion’s share of the carpooling; it’s Father’s Day; it’s Mother’s Day; you need a host gift; you need a birthday gift, you need a teacher gift; you need an anything gift; you have yogurt and fresh fruit and want to start the day off right.

The Redeemer
Homemade Vinaigrette
Why: Because you can make it ahead of time; because it is infinitiely more flavorful than its storebought counterpart.
Best When:Everything else on your kid’s plate came straight from the freezer aisle. (When you toss any greens with from-scratch vinaigrette, it has the power to make the entire meal feel homemade anyway.)

The Dinner Party Showstopper
Pork Ragu
Why: Because we’ve always hated meals that require tons of chopping and fussing and flipping and, thus, negate the actual purpose of people coming over — which is, you know, to hang out. The beauty of this meal, beyond its all-around tastiness, is that by the time the guests show up, you are already done.
Best When: You’re emerging from the pain cave of new parenthood and you want to begin slowly working your way back into the entertaining game without assembling silver dollar buckwheat blinis or signing up for massive, six-pot clean-ups.

The Win-‘Em-Over-Forever Breakfast
Aunt Patty’s French Toast
Why: Because weekday mornings, with their stale, plain bagels and instant oatmeals and soggy Trader O’s, could give breakfast a bad name.
Best When: Your kids’ friends sleep over; when you’re feeling guilty about not being around much for the kids that week; when you had one too many Manhattans the night before, and grease and butter is exactly what you need. (In that case, add a little heavy cream.)

The Gateway Fish
Fried Flounder (page 143, Dinner: A Love Story)
Why: Because (a) if you have a fish guy at the farmer’s market, chances are he will have flounder and there are not many types of fish, as far as we can tell, that are better when truly fresh; and (b) you can only have so much freaking chicken. Think of this dish as the perfect gateway to fish; if you can get your kids to like flounder, it becomes that much easier to move on to bigger, better things.
Best When: Served with a mound of tartar sauce, the world’s best condiment. (Try making your own: Few tablespoons of good mayo, one finely chopped dill pickle, squeeze of lemon, pinch of sugar.) Also perfect when you want something easy and healthy, but not that healthy.

The Pick-Me-Up
Cold Brew Coffee
Why: Because we don’t enjoy making our own coffee in the morning. Cold brewing, on the other hand, makes it all so easy.
Best When:The baby woke up six times last night; you have just finished a long morning run, you are battling through a post-lunch food coma, or you are on your way to a stress test with your cardiologist and you want to freak the dude out. Sh#t’s potent!

The Tuesday Night Winner
Pan-fried Chicken Thighs
Why: Because you hear this a lot, but we are hard pressed to name a meal that is easier meal to make, save the ones you take out of a package and put in a microwave. The ratio of hands-on time to deliciousness here seems almost impossible.
Best When: You are not in a HUGE rush (cooking time is about 45 minutes), you have some tender baby potatoes and thyme on hand to roast along with the chicken, and it is between the months of October and April, when stuff roasted in cast iron pans feels right.

The Chameleon
Basic Bolognese
Why: Because it can be made in large quantities, in advance, on a lazy Sunday afternoon — and then frozen, to be devoured later, in less relaxed conditions. Also because it can be served a million different ways, which means everyone will eat it. On pasta, on a bun, over rice, on nachos, in little tortellinis made from wonton wrappers, straight from the pot, with a spoon.
Best When: You need to get dinner on the table very quickly, and the kids have that if-you-don’t-feed-me-something-very-soon-I-will-kill-you-and-dine-on-your-bones look in their eyes.

The Bad Day Eraser
The Manhattan
Why:Because it works.
Best When:You don’t have a meeting early the next morning; you don’t need to operate heavy machinery or read anything you will be tested on later; or you just had a long, hard day and could really use a dose of good medicine.

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15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (3) emilee

I feel like your Dark & Stormy should be on this list. Because every hot summer day should end with a co*cktail?

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (5) Carlinne @Cook with 2 Chicks

This is the best! I will come back to it again and again. I LOVED reading the Manhattan post again.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (6) Mary

I will come back to this again and again too. Bookmarking the chicken thighs, and the fried flounder, and I love my own granola recipe but it’d be fun to mix it up. Love!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (8) Linnea

I would also add your awesome fried rice recipe to this list! I can use any meat (or keep it vegetarian), throw in any vegetables I’ve got in the fridge, add a few other staples (soy sauce, eggs), and in a flash, dinner is done.


15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (9) Reynaul

@Jesse, I had to say the same thing! I have a lot of catching up to do! 🙂 Great post, I am bookmarking and printing off as we speak. I have a grocery list to make!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (10) A Life From Scratch

I love this post – have to add one of my favorites of yours – homemade stromboli. I STILL laugh at the ‘roll it like a joint’ comment 🙂

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (11) Catherine @ Chocolate & Vegetables

I think at least half the items on this list were childhood staples, I’ll have to forward this link to my mom and let her know how well she was doing!

And now I am nostalgic for her chicken and rice. Maybe I can persuade her to send me the recipe back…

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (12) Julie M

Great post! I am proud to say I have made the first 5 items on this list at least once, some multiple times. I will be trying the French Toast soon..

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (14) Robyn

Amazing!!! All fabulous!!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (15) Sally

I agree with all of these and would add the milk braised pork, meatballs and Grandma Jody’s Chicken.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (16) Elizabeth

We will always buy your books and come back to this blog even if you publish ALL the recipes. It is yours and Andy’s voice and your great stories that keep us interested. And your definition of medicine!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (17) Christine Somers

Great list…I will definitely start with the granola.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (18) blissmamaof3

Great list! Compiled mine as I read, I just love your blog 🙂

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (19) Katrina

Could you clarify how much coffee is really used in your cold brew coffee? A half pound in my french press seems like there wouldn’t be room for any liquid. Thanks!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (20) Alexe @ Keys to the Cucina

Love this list! You make cooking so approachable and that’s what it’s all about 🙂

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (21) Awads

i have lost count of all the dishes i have made from my copy of DALS and this website. my husband thinks i’m a nut now, so thanks. but we are all eating well! the manhattan was always my fave, but it’s nice to see it get props here. cheers!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (22) Row

Awesome, awesome, awesome! Totally bookmarked.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (23) Katie Workman

such a fabulous list. that is the best parenting tip ever.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (24) Katie Workman

also I LOVE that song. I also love doing the math in order to comment. it makes me feel so smart.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (25) Ellen Griswold

I have a quick question about the Chicken Orzo Soup. If you are making it to freeze, would you suggest leaving out the orzo until you defrost/reheat it? Thanks! We are waiting for daughter #2 to make her debut and have already frozen a bunch of your incredible recipes to eat after she arrives.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (26) Colleen

I really like the way you remind us of previously posted recipes….I am always like, oh I should make this, but then I forget. So it’s great to get a link back in time so I can pick up on that thought.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (27) Jen

You are both such talented writers. I love your blog.

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (28) Awads

Made those snickerdoodles on Friday (since, as you point out, we have all the ingredients on-hand!). Mine needed more than 8 minutes to bake…more like 11-12. But even underdone, they were a huge hit with my non-chocolate-loving husband. Love having something i can whip up w/o running to the grocery!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (30) Mahee Ferlini

This is fantastic. I can’t wait to add these to my arsenal

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (31) Anne Brown #newslettergiveaway

Great ideas. I love, love, love Dinner: the Playbook. Its become my new favorite baby shower gift! I tell soon to be moms this will not only help them get quick, good dinners on the table with a newborn, but also help them make the transition to family meals. Its been a hit!

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (32) Lauren Strine

The elixir is a regular in our Southern CA home, its one of the first cold weather recipes I dive into each year! I add a little turmeric for that chicken pot pie flavor! #newslettergiveaway

15 Recipes Every Parent Should Know - Dinner: A Love Story (2024)


How do you do a romantic dinner? ›

Set the table with a tablecloth, cloth napkins, nice dinnerware, crystal, unscented candles, and flowers. The napkins can be rolled or folded in a pretty way. Sprinkle the table with rose petals or sparkly heart shaped sprinkles. You can set floating candles in small glasses filled partly with cranberry juice.

What should my family eat for dinner tonight? ›

30 Quick And Easy Dinners Your Whole Family Will Love
  • Slow-Cooker Chicken Tacos. tasty.co. ...
  • Easy Sheet Pan Southwestern Dinner. tasty.co. ...
  • Garlic Broccoli Shrimp Stir-Fry. ...
  • Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa. ...
  • One-Pot Chicken and Mushroom Pasta. ...
  • 20-Minute Beef and Broccoli Noodle Stir-Fry. ...
  • Chicken & Veggie Stir-Fry. ...
  • Baked Spaghetti.

What is a mans favorite dinner? ›

No two guys are alike, but most share a love for hearty, full-flavored meals. Burgers and pizza. Meals cooked over fire. Meats made with beer.

What are the 5 most popular foods? ›

popularity is the % of people who have a positive opinion of a american dish. Find out more
  1. 1 Mashed potatoes86%
  2. 2 French Fries86%
  3. 3 Hamburgers85%
  4. 4 Cheeseburger83%
  5. 5 Grilled Cheese82%
  6. 6 Steak and Baked potato82%
  7. 7 Hash browns82%
  8. 8 Fried Chicken82%

What is the most romantic meal? ›

Whether you're serving a roasted rack of lamb or silky, rich pasta, a romantic dinner for two can make an ordinary evening a little more special. Go big with pan-roasted lobster or steak frites, or try your hand at homemade pizza.

How do I make my wife a romantic dinner? ›

Whip up a prime cut of flank steak that's even juicer than its steakhouse counterpart, or try your hand at a tender stuffed chicken recipe that's pretty as a picture. Celebrate the romantic dinner with a creamy and decadent chicken risotto, or indulge in rich fettuccine covered in Cajun sauce.

How to make a romantic night at home? ›

Here are some super fun experiences you can do for an at-home date night.
  1. 1: Cook a Fancy Meal Together. ...
  2. 5: Learn How To Dance. ...
  3. 7: Camp Out in Your Backyard. ...
  4. 8: Learn an Instrument Together. ...
  5. 10: Plan a Trip Together. ...
  6. 11: Take-Out by Candlelight. ...
  7. 12: Do Nothing!

How do you make a romantic evening at home? ›

Romantic At Home Date Night Ideas
  1. Candlelit Dinner for Two. It's a classic for a reason! ...
  2. Cooking Class at Home. Turn your kitchen into a culinary adventure by taking a cooking class together. ...
  3. Movie Night with a Twist. ...
  4. DIY Wine Tasting. ...
  5. Stargazing in Your Hot Tub. ...
  6. Art Night. ...
  7. Virtual Travel Experience. ...
  8. Hot Tub Night.

What is a good dinner that everyone would like? ›

61 Easy Family Dinners Everyone at the Table Will Eat
  • One-pan Spaghetti And Meatballs. ...
  • Cheater's Italian Wedding Soup. ...
  • Chrissy Teigen's Cheesy Chicken Milanese. ...
  • Baked Quinoa Chicken Nuggets. ...
  • Zucchini Carbonara With Parsnip 'pancetta' ...
  • Sheet-pan Miso-glazed Fish With Broccoli And Coconut Rice. ...
  • Low-carb Zucchini Enchiladas.
Aug 9, 2019

What is a good late dinner? ›

Top 10 late-night dinners
  • Omelette or frittata.
  • Vegetable stir-fry.
  • Meal-replacement shake.
  • Tuna or chicken salad.
  • Salmon or tuna on crackers.
  • Potato stuffed with tuna and coleslaw.
  • ¼ barbecue chicken or chicken strips with salad.
  • Sashimi with seaweed salad.
Jan 12, 2022

What sounds good tonight for dinner? ›

Quick Dinner Ideas for Two
  • 1 / 13. Herbed Gnocchi and Mushrooms. ...
  • 2 / 13. Instant Pot Salmon. ...
  • 3 / 13. Garlic Scape Pesto. ...
  • 4 / 13. Michael Natkin's Spicy Stir-Fried Zucchini. ...
  • 5 / 13. Pork and Broccoli Rice Bowls. ...
  • 6 / 13. Chicken Parm and Pasta Skillet. ...
  • 7 / 13. Honey Garlic Shrimp. ...
  • 8 / 13. Skillet Cod with Lemon and Capers.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.