Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (2024)

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By Bev Weidner on January 29, 2015 in casseroles, Chicken, Rewind Recipes

New series day!

Not to be confused with old series day, or new series week, because neither of those are actual things. I don’t think.

Anyway! One of my little goals this year is to go back to cookbooks for inspiration. I’ve been in such a recipe developing rut for so long eees startin’ to keeeeeel meh. So, back to the books we go! But not just any cookbook on the shelf. OLD ones. Rusty and dusty ones. Ones that say things like, “stir it all together, bake it in the oven for an hour, then yodel to your family.”

Like this one.

Homegirl is HYSTERICAL. This 1960 publication comes straight from my grandmother’s collection, and while the title sounds a tad Neggy-Peggy (all the puns intended), it’s a light, joyful, hilarious read.

So as my own post title says Rewind Recipes, I thought it would fun to go back in time and make (and maybe update?) some of these old recipes, just to better understand that ’50s and ’60s housewife approach to cooking. Sound like fun?

Plus we get to yodel.

First off, I had no idea what cancan meant when I came across this recipe in the cookbook. I looked it up and learned it’s basically just a simple casserole with a protein of some sort, and good old fashioned cans of everything all mixed in. Her recipe called for canned tuna, but Aaron vetoed that before I could finish saying the word tuna. So poached and shredded chicken was my amendment. Bok.

But hold on, let’s talk about this . . .

What I have discovered in reading old cookbooks, is that sometimes the author isn’t very clear on what to do. For instance, “one green pepper, chopped.” Ummm, bell pepper? Jalapeno pepper? Serrano pepper? Anaheim pepper? What kind of green pepper?!? So I went with bell and never looked back. Although a jalapeno would have been nice, PEG.

Another thing, old cookbooks say things like, “No. 2 can of whatever whatever.” (they don’t say the whatever whatever part.) No. 2 can? Like a number two pencil? Is No. 2 a brand? What the what, dude?

So I looked that up and it means 20 ounces of whatever whatever. Ahhhhh, gotcha. Only problem with that, there aren’t 20 oz cans of cream-style corn, PEEEEG. So I combined a couple of cans to get around 23ish ounces and never looked back.

Also! These old recipes call for things like evaporated milk. I love you, Peg.

While there’s no cheese in this recipe (what), it’s still down right casserolicious. Let it sit for about 15 minutes after you bring it out of the oven. Gives it time for everything to settle in and firm up. Like a lasagna!

Serve it with a huge loaf of crusty bread and the greenest salad in the world, and you’re good to go.

Wait. How did I already reach the end of this post with no CANCAN jokes? Ugh.

Cancan Chicken Casserole:

What it took for 4:

* 2 eggs
* 1 (12 oz ) can evaporated milk
* 20 oz can cream-style corn (I had to use a 14.75 oz can + 8.5 oz can, which is a little more than 20 oz, but I’m still a good person)
* 2 chicken breast cutlets, poached and lightly shredded
* 1 green bell pepper, diced
* 1 medium white onion, grated
* 1 small pinch of salt and pepper

In a large mixing bowl, beat the two eggs with the evaporated milk. This is already so good.

Then add the corn, shredded chicken, bell pepper, grated onion and a small pinch of salt and pepper. Mix to combine.

Pour into a greased casserole dish (9×13 is fine) and bake at 350 degrees, uncovered for about an hour. Maybe 75 minutes, depending on how it looks on top.

Let rest for 15 minutes before cutting into it.


casserole, chicken, corn,, peppers

Orzo with Collard Greens, Sausage Meatballs and Sundried Tomatoes

Friday Flotsam

60 Responses to Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes)

  1. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (10)

    Mountaincat January 29, 2015 at 8:17 am #

    This was a really fun post. Keep em' comin'!


  2. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (11)

    Judy January 29, 2015 at 8:52 am #

    Oh, you young-uns and your desire for directions that tell you what to a child of the 70's-80's (I'm not committing to just one decade), let me say that way back then the only green pepper in our stores WAS a bell pepper. And in my family, that would have been a little too adventurous! Love casseroles...keep 'em coming!


    • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (12)

      Bev Weidner January 29, 2015 at 9:00 am #

      Haha! So glad I picked the right pepper. :) And yes, you're right! Today's recipe instructions are soooo detailed, it takes some training to loosen up the brain and wing it!


      • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (13)

        Cristie December 23, 2020 at 3:21 am #

        I have this cookbook! It’s great!


    • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (14)

      Marcie April 21, 2016 at 8:12 pm #

      My late husband used to translate recipes from his mother's Hungarian cookbook and it said thinks like; "some of this", and "a little of that", and of course the "Pinch" of something which really can only be clarified by knowing the size of someone's fingers!. Beside not even knowing what some of the ingredients were, they were all measured in the old school metric system. I would ask my husband what certain things were and if he couldn't translate some of the ingredients I would ask him what it tastes like and occasionally whether the ingredient was a meat or vegetable. We ended up having a lot of laughs with it. I am not a cook but messing around with some of these recipes, I ended up making these dishes "even better than Hungarians' could make them", That was a direct quote from my Love. This is when I started writing my own notes in cookbooks as I experimented and could never repeat something that my husband really liked. I still like to read about it but do not cook these meals for myself. Thank you for the fun.Marcie


      • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (15)

        Pamela Vasali June 21, 2016 at 11:00 am #

        Marcie, I'm an American expatriate living in Hungary with my Hungarian husband; we moved here after we both retired. I have more than a few Hungarian cookbooks, and of course Hungarian relatives who share their recipes with me. My favorite instruction, seen on more than a few recipes, is to cook, or bake, "until done".!! Trying to figure out when something you've never made before is done is quite a hoot, I can tell you! ;-)


        • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (16)

          Pam Dunlap November 6, 2017 at 12:50 pm #

          I would LOVE a recipe for Hungarian Goulash. We had some in Budapest and it was amazing. I have tried to recreate the taste but have not managed so far.


    • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (17)

      C.A. Simonson July 18, 2019 at 3:18 pm #

      Love it. I am with you - didn't know there were any other kind of peppers until I started cooking as a married woman. Looking for more of the old-fashioned recipes. They're fun. How about all those jello salads we used to have?


    • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (18)

      Ardelle Wachter October 12, 2020 at 2:20 pm #

      Judy is spot on, the only pepper in the '50s and '60s was the Green Bell Pepper, and it was real work to spend the money necessary to cook with one!


  3. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (19)

    Carole January 29, 2015 at 9:06 am #

    My dad used to make this but with tuna instead of chicken. It was one of my favorite suppers when I was a kid but I never had the recipe until now. Thanks for posting this!

  4. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (20)

    Sharana @ Living The Sweet Life Blog January 29, 2015 at 9:53 am #

    Sounds so delicious ... yodel ay hee hoo ;)


  5. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (21)

    Liz January 29, 2015 at 9:56 am #

    I love this series idea!!


  6. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (22)

    Abby January 29, 2015 at 10:10 am #

    I'm obsessed with this idea... and that cookbook! I have a retro book that I found at a garage sale and nabbed for the pictures alone. The Microwave Cookbook. Mhm... not sure about recreating the recipes from that one but it's a riot.


  7. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (23)

    Jenny H. January 29, 2015 at 10:28 am #

    That was one hilarious post! Thanks for making me smile.


  8. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (24)

    Shira G January 29, 2015 at 10:52 am #

    Loving this new series!! The casserole looks delish and of course you're hilarious :)


  9. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (25)

    Liz @ The Lemon Bowl January 29, 2015 at 12:32 pm #

    This is such a fun new series!!! And honestly, only you could make a casserole look so damn gorgeous.


  10. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (26)

    Andrea January 29, 2015 at 1:00 pm #

    My mom has that cookbook! Canned goodness or goulash as our family called dinners like that. Some 70's cookbooks that might also delight are "chocolate cake and onions" and "more with less" but you need to load up on powdered milk for the recipes in that one.


  11. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (27)

    Rachel Cooks January 29, 2015 at 1:42 pm #

    Such a fun series!!!


  12. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (28)

    Caitlin January 30, 2015 at 1:23 pm #

    I'm pretty into the idea for this new series.. old cookbooks are so weird. And most with no pictures?! At least that I've seen.


  13. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (29)

    wendy January 30, 2015 at 3:11 pm # was it? Do you think you could substitute non fat evaporated milk? Thanks!


    • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (30)

      Bev Weidner January 31, 2015 at 7:44 am #

      Oh! Well like I said in the post, it's really great! Unless you were asking someone else? I bet you could totally use non fat evaporated milk! Might not be AS creamy, but still work. Good luck!


  14. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (31)

    wendy February 3, 2015 at 10:39 am #

    Sorry, missed the part where you said it was great. Will try it with the non fat evaporated milk. Thanks.


    • Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (32)

      Bev Weidner February 3, 2015 at 10:53 am #

      Awesome! Let me know how it turns out!


  15. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (33)

    Kim d. February 9, 2015 at 8:00 pm #

    Oh my, Bev, my mom used that cook book ALL THE TIME!! I have it sitting with all my other cookbooks, and I agree, it is a pretty good, funny read. Thanks for the smile.


  16. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (34)

    Marinó Páll - @ March 18, 2015 at 12:34 pm #

    I created a graphical recipe out of this deliciousness, feel free to use it in anyway you want. Here is a link to the image .Best Marinó


  17. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (35)

    Susie August 8, 2015 at 2:13 pm #

    Dude.... I was just given that very book about 2 week's ago & the gal that gave it to me had gotten it from her Mom's collection when she passed.What a hoot !!!!Love your stuff.......


  18. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (36)

    Kathy Latour September 14, 2015 at 3:47 pm #

    I have this in the oven as I write and it smells delicious! I made my own cream style corn because all I have is kernels. I almost stopped with that. I'll never by canned cream corn again! Plus I got to use up 2 cans of evaporated milk that are nearing their best buy date :-)


  19. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (37)

    store ed June 5, 2017 at 7:18 am #

    What's up, cool online site you've in here.


  20. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (38)

    lisa December 7, 2019 at 9:01 am #

    This sounds beyond delicious!!! I can’t wait to try this on a piece of warm homemade bread.mold removal toronto


  21. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (39)

    lisa June 10, 2020 at 8:52 am #

    Made this tonight with butternut squash but didn’t have feta or the herbs for the dressing. Still, was a nice combination of flavors. I added sh*take mushrooms with the kale.rluy


  22. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (40)

    lisa June 15, 2020 at 10:47 pm #

    Ashley, this was great! Loved that I only had to pick up a couple of ingredients on the way home. Will make this again.rluy


  23. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (41)

    lisa June 24, 2020 at 12:26 am #

    Now, you need to try actually DIGGING for clams – with a shovel. That gun thingy is only for tourists. Which, of course, you are, but still. You cleaned and cooked them to perfection, though. Bravo! Enjoy your visit.juice


  24. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (42)

    lunch June 28, 2020 at 11:27 am #

    This is a great way to use tofu and bumps up the protein in the pasta dish. Thanks for posting this.


  25. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (43)

    lisa June 30, 2020 at 10:49 pm #

    These little packets look so easy to make. My kids love bbq chicken so these will be a hit. I am going to make them this weekend on the products


  26. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (44)

    lisa July 27, 2020 at 11:35 am #

    Ashley, this was great! Loved that I only had to pick up a couple of ingredients on the way home. Will make this again.keto quake


  27. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (45)

    lisa August 26, 2020 at 6:13 am #

    Unfortunately I am not an Instant Pot user and the directions do not reference Instant Pot or pressure cooker instructions. I wish I could help out with your question. aderezo cesar


  28. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (46)

    lisa September 15, 2020 at 9:04 am #

    It looks like you had a great weekend with so many tasty recipes. I am glad to hear you loved the salad. The dressing is definitely the best part. Thanks for sharing.Wodka


  29. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (47)

    lisa September 24, 2020 at 9:51 am #

    This looks incredible, Jessica! I LOVE quinoa fried rice and totally wish I had a big bowl right now! So easy, delicious and perfect for busy weeknights!Karvand Murabba


  30. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (48)

    lisa October 2, 2020 at 3:32 am #

    Second bad habit: searching for healthy delicious food early after breakfast, lunch, dinner etc., as long as (or better: especially when ) I am at home. So I know I must be an emotional eater. These are my bad habits.Meal Prep


  31. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (49)

    lisa October 15, 2020 at 2:16 pm #

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  32. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (50)

    lisa November 13, 2020 at 6:42 am #

    I’ve seen so many versions of the $250 cookie recipe. I love the story behind yours, and it looks delicious! Now I’m off to see if we have any cookie dough in the house that I can steal.easy stained glass holiday cookies


  33. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (51)

    lisa November 20, 2020 at 6:40 am #

    An easy and truly delicious recipe. I love zucchini and was glad to have a new way to prepare it. This is a perfect dish to bring to gatherings - I can’t wait! I know it will be a hit! I served it with grilled chicken sausage in a little marinara sauce and they went together wonderfully. Thank you for the great recipe!Rodizio Grill Prices


  34. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (52)

    lisa December 4, 2020 at 1:13 pm #

    Such a nice blogpost and the recipes are just WOW! The overnight oats are really delicious and so easy to prep day-to-day. Its also quite okay to bring when on motorbike vacation.exotic fruits


  35. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (53)

    lisa December 18, 2020 at 1:50 am #

    Hey, very nice information. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Banana benefits


  36. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (54)

    lisa December 27, 2020 at 4:51 am #

    Ashley, this was great! Loved that I only had to pick up a couple of ingredients on the way home. Will make this again.Falafel Recipe


  37. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (55)

    lisa January 10, 2021 at 9:41 pm #

    This looks amazing! I would love to try Sous-Vide! I love how easy the FoodSaver makes cooking the chicken! Thanks for sharing about this and the deal. I can’t wait to try this!Ghormeh Sabzi


  38. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (56)

    lisa February 13, 2021 at 11:45 pm #

    I wish it would cool down enough here in Texas to start making these recipes, but rest assured they are printed out and are being kept safely in my Home Management Notebook, ready for that first cold snap!printed pizza box


  39. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (57)

    burkkevin March 24, 2021 at 1:29 am #

    This blog was very nicely formatted; it maintained a flow from the first word to the last. Will Smith Jacket Bad Boy 3


  40. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (58)

    Marcia August 21, 2021 at 2:45 pm #

    I didn’t have evaporated milk but thought half’n’half might work. It’s in the oven now. Have you ever frozen this after baked? I’m thinking good bake ahead casserole to hand out for a new mom or something like that.


  41. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (59)

    Tommie Lou Rogers October 4, 2021 at 6:59 pm #

    Back in the 1970’s we were taught to make a different recipe called CanCan Chicken Casserole in our Home Economics class. It had the precooked chicken, green onions, celery, parsley, salt and pepper, instant rice and a can of cream of celery soup and a can of either cream or chicken soup or cream or mushrooms soup. I can’t remember which one it was. But it was very good. And could be made in the time of a high school class, which I think was 55 minutes.


  42. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (60)

    lisa October 9, 2021 at 2:36 pm #

    Made this tonight with butternut squash but didn’t have feta or the herbs for the dressing. Still, was a nice combination of flavors. tasty food recipes


  43. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (61)

    lisa October 9, 2021 at 2:37 pm #

    Absoluely delicious recipe. Better than take-out. What is the name of the instrumental that is playing in the background of the video? Thanks for sharing recipe AND music.tasty food recipes


  44. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (62)

    arnold dk October 13, 2021 at 2:03 am #

    nice information . that's great recipe. it is so yummy taste. thanks for sharing with all of us.


  45. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (63)

    Alex October 28, 2021 at 10:47 am #

    Hi,Sounds delicious. I think this would really go with some traditional Louisiana-style Jambalaya sauce like this one


  46. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (64)

    Jobi Johnson February 2, 2022 at 8:58 am #

    This is the best post I have ever seen. Very clear and simple. Mid-portion Is quite interesting though. Keep doing this. I will visit your site again. coco hoodie


  47. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (65)

    Angela Jane July 13, 2022 at 3:21 pm #

    I, too, have this cookbook. This is one of my faves. I can say, you overthought it a bit. 1 can tuna, 1 normal size can of cream style corn, 1 normal size can of evaporated milk. After that you just wing it. I like to dump about a half a box of uncooked pasta into it. I like to eat it with Worcestershire sauce on top. I haven't made it in years because no one in the family likes tuna and I never thought about using chicken.


  48. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (66)

    lisa April 18, 2023 at 10:18 am #

    The sight of this dish is absolutely delightful; its vibrant green hue and bright appearance make it a perfect choice for a midwinter meal. Roasting the cauliflower brings out its delicious flavor and enhances the dish even more than the steamed version. Combining cauliflower with pasta is a personal favorite of mine, and I can't wait to give this recipe a try!Thai Cooking Class Koh Tao


  49. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (67)

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  50. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (68)

    lisa December 11, 2023 at 10:48 pm #

    A recipe is a culinary blueprint, an artful combination of ingredients and instructions that transforms raw elements into a harmonious symphony of flavors. It is a dance of measurements, a balance between precision and creativity. Each recipe tells a story, a narrative woven with the aromatic threads of spices, the vibrant hues of fresh produce, and the rich textures of diverse ingredients.Mexican Food


  51. Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (69)

    lisa December 11, 2023 at 11:34 pm #

    In the kitchen, a recipe transforms into a ritualistic experience, engaging all senses in a mesmerizing dance. The sight of vibrant colors coming together, the enticing aroma wafting through the air, the sound of sizzling or bubbling, the touch of dough yielding under skilled hands, and the ultimate taste that rewards patience and effort—a sensory symphony that culminates in culinary delight.medjool dates organic pitted


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Cancan Chicken Casserole (Rewind Recipes) - Bev Cooks (2024)


Why does Anna always make chicken casserole? ›

The protagonist of the series, Anna, is seen baking a Chicken Casserole throughout the series. The casserole plays a bigger role in the thriller series than anyone would expect. If you watch closely, the Chicken Casserole actually gives out a clue that leads Anna to the killer.

How do casseroles work? ›

The term “casserole” can refer to any dish prepared in a casserole dish—essentially a deep, wide baking dish—and baked in the oven. A casserole can have layers, as in the case of an Italian lasagna or a deep-dish pizza, or composed of some evenly distributed combination of veggies, a protein, and a starchy binder.

What thickens chicken casserole? ›

The three main thickening agents for gravies are flour, cornflour and arrowroot. The first two are normally used in savoury dishes while arrowroot tends to be used in sweet dishes – that said, arrowroot will work in a savoury dish as it has no flavour.

Why put foil on casserole dish? ›

Cover dishes

Loosely placing or tenting a sheet of foil over a dish can prevent the top from browning while the rest of your dish continues to bake. If you're looking to create more steam in the baking process, sealing the dish tightly with a foil lid will often do the trick.

Do casseroles cook better covered or uncovered? ›

Generally, casseroles with grains, rice or pasta that will cook during the baking process are usually covered, for at least part of the time. Casseroles made of cooked ingredients are usually baked uncovered. If you like a crisper, browner top, be sure the casserole is uncovered for at least part of the bake time.

Do casseroles cook faster in glass or metal? ›

Bakes more slowly than glass: Interestingly enough, however, metal pans bake things more slowly than glass pans do. Because of this, if a recipe calls for a glass pan and you decide to use a metal pan instead, be sure to add a few minutes to the baking time.

What is the origin of chicken casserole? ›

Casserole history

The word casserole is derived from a French word that means 'saucepan'. Apparently, casseroles originated as communal pots that people shared for meals. The oldest recipe for a casserole, around 1250, consisted of pasta sheets cooked in water, layered with grated cheese and spices.

What is the casserole in The Woman in the House Across the Street? ›

This chicken casserole was inspired by its ubiquitous presence in the Netflix show, The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window. It's an easy, simple casserole reminiscent of a ground chicken meatloaf and topped with crispy buttered bread crumbs!

What is the oldest known casserole? ›

Macaroni and cheese is the oldest written casserole recipe found in 1250.

When and why did the casserole gain popularity? ›

Recipes for casseroles start appearing in American cookbooks in the late 19th century but the dish really grew in popularity during the Depression and World Wars. Vegetables and starches helped to pad a meal so that a small portion of meat could become a more filling dish during times of hardship.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.