DaFuq!?Boom! Youtuber overview (2024)

DaFuq!?Boom! Youtuber overview (1)



Video views


Video count


Estimated earnings in past 30 days

$ 155K - $ 931K


last 7 days



last 30 days


last 90 days


last 7 days

Video views


last 30 days


last 90 days

Date Video views Estimated earnings
14.04.2024 Sun +55,231,667 $ 20.7K - $ 124K
10.04.2024 Wed +94,368,440 $ 35.4K - $ 212K
05.04.2024 Fri +63,844,297 $ 23.9K - $ 144K
01.04.2024 Mon +61,304,241 $ 23K - $ 138K
28.03.2024 Thu +35,427,032 $ 13.3K - $ 79.7K
24.03.2024 Sun +60,913,488 $ 22.8K - $ 137K
20.03.2024 Wed +42,681,661 $ 16K - $ 96K
16.03.2024 Sat +29,471,448 $ 11.1K - $ 66.3K
13.03.2024 Wed +46,997,216 $ 17.6K - $ 106K
09.03.2024 Sat +45,816,859 $ 17.2K - $ 103K
05.03.2024 Tue +53,846,467 $ 20.2K - $ 121K
02.03.2024 Sat +37,230,014 $ 14K - $ 83.8K
28.02.2024 Wed +49,193,116 $ 18.4K - $ 111K
25.02.2024 Sun +34,142,913 $ 12.8K - $ 76.8K

DaFuq!?Boom! biography

DaFuq!?Boom! is a popular YouTube channel known for its funny and entertaining content. The channel primarily focuses on comedy skits, pranks, and reaction videos. With a unique and energetic style, DaFuq!?Boom! has gained a large following and has become a favorite among viewers looking for light-hearted entertainment.The channel was created in 2015 by its host, who goes by the name DaFuq!?Boom!. Although not much is known about his personal life, he has managed to captivate audiences with his comedic timing and witty humor. DaFuq!?Boom! is known for his energetic and vibrant persona, which adds to the appeal of his content.The channel has attracted controversy at times due to the nature of its pranks and the reactions it elicits. Some viewers have raised concerns about the potential harm or discomfort caused by certain videos. However, DaFuq!?Boom! has always maintained that the pranks are intended to be lighthearted and harmless, and he takes precautions to ensure no one is physically or emotionally harmed.With the ever-growing popularity of the channel, DaFuq!?Boom! has gained a considerable net worth. He has monetized his content through various means, such as brand collaborations and advertising revenue. While the exact figures are not publicly available, it is safe to say that DaFuq!?Boom! has achieved financial success through his YouTube career.In addition to his comedic content, DaFuq!?Boom! is also known for his catchy and memorable quotes. Some of his famous quotes include:1. "What's up, fam?"2. "It's prank time!"3. "That's how you do it, folks!"4. "Don't try this at home, seriously."5. "Stay tuned for more crazy content!"6. "Hit that like button and subscribe!"7. "Who's ready for some laughter?"8. "Let's make some memories!"9. "Time to shake things up!"10. "Keep smiling and spreading the positivity!"For more information about DaFuq!?Boom! and his content, you can visit his official website at [website_url].

DaFuq!?Boom! controversies

DaFuq!?Boom! is known for his entertaining and often hilarious content. However, the channel has also faced its fair share of controversies over the years.One of the main points of controversy surrounding DaFuq!?Boom! is the nature of his pranks. While many find them amusing and harmless, some viewers have expressed concerns about the potential harm or discomfort caused by certain videos. Critics argue that these pranks may have negative psychological effects on the individuals involved and that they perpetuate a culture of humiliation and disrespect.In response to these concerns, DaFuq!?Boom! has always maintained that his pranks are intended to be light-hearted and harmless. He takes precautions to ensure that no one is physically or emotionally harmed during the filming process. Additionally, he often includes disclaimers and warnings in his videos, advising viewers not to replicate the pranks at home.Another controversy surrounding the channel is the use of fake reactions. Some viewers have accused DaFuq!?Boom! of staging his reactions or faking his emotions for views and likes. While there may be instances where reactions are exaggerated for entertainment purposes, DaFuq!?Boom! has always maintained that his reactions are genuine and spontaneous.Despite these controversies, DaFuq!?Boom! continues to enjoy a loyal fan base and has garnered millions of views on his videos. His ability to entertain and engage viewers has undoubtedly contributed to his success on YouTube.

DaFuq!?Boom! merch and social links

VK STEAM Tiktok Twitter Facebook Instagram Official website

DaFuq!?Boom! famous quotes

"What's up, fam?"

"It's prank time!"

"That's how you do it, folks!"

"Don't try this at home, seriously."

"Stay tuned for more crazy content!"

"Hit that like button and subscribe!"

"Who's ready for some laughter?"

"Let's make some memories!"

"Time to shake things up!"

"Keep smiling and spreading the positivity!"

DaFuq!?Boom! total subscribers count stats

DaFuq!?Boom! total video views count stats

DaFuq!?Boom! channel predictions

Subscriber count prediction for DaFuq!?Boom!

Video views prediction for DaFuq!?Boom!

Youtube estimated earnings prediction for DaFuq!?Boom!

DaFuq!?Boom! Youtuber overview (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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