The Complete List of English Spelling Rules, Lesson 13: I Before E Except After C (Rules, Examples, Worksheet, and Answer Key) (2024)

Lesson13: I Before E Except After C

Inthis series of lessons, you will learnuseful spelling rulesinEnglish.

This lesson talks about an important spelling guideline in English.There is a rhyme to help you remember it: "I beforeE, except after C."

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This rhyme is a useful guideline to help you remember when to use thevowel combination ieand when to use ei.However, it is only a guideline and not a strict rule.

In fact, there are some longer versions of the rhyme to help youremember the exceptions.

We will start with some common words that follow the guideline.

1. IE: long E sound

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In general, when there is an iecombination after a letter other than c, the i will come first.

However,it is important to remember that these letters can be pronounced indifferent ways. This guideline really applies especially when the ie combination ispronounced with a long E sound.

Here are somecommon words with an iecombinationand a long E pronunciation:

  • believe
  • fierce
  • achieve
  • piece
  • chief
  • belief
  • priest
  • countries
  • brief
  • collie

All of these words have a letter other than c before the ie combination.

Here are some common words with an iecombination pronounced with a long E sound after the letter c:

  • ceiling
  • deceive
  • receipt
  • perceive
  • receive
  • conceited

It is also important to remember that whenever you must add -s or add -ed to words that end in y, youneedto change the yto an ie.In these cases, you will often see an ie combination aftera letter other than cat the end of a word.

In these cases, these vowels are usually pronounced with a long E sound, according to the rule.

2. IE: other sounds

The Complete List of English Spelling Rules, Lesson 13: I Before E Except After C (Rules, Examples, Worksheet, and Answer Key) (4)

John, Eric, and Amy are friends.

You willfind many words in English that have an ie combination aftera letter other than c, though they will not have a long E sound. For these words, you should learnthe pronunciation of each individually.

Here are some common examples:

  • die
  • tie
  • flies
  • funnier
  • client

3. IE exceptions: after C

The Complete List of English Spelling Rules, Lesson 13: I Before E Except After C (Rules, Examples, Worksheet, and Answer Key) (5)

Do you want to be a scientistwhen you grow up?

There are some common words that have an ie combination afterthe letter cin the middle of the word. These are exceptions to the rule, and you should memorize them:

  • science
  • efficient
  • species
  • sufficient

4. EI exceptions: long A Sound

The Complete List of English Spelling Rules, Lesson 13: I Before E Except After C (Rules, Examples, Worksheet, and Answer Key) (6)

Penny likes to talk to her neighbor,Angela.

This guideline does not apply to words in which the ei combination ispronounced with a long A sound. In these words, evenif there is not a cbefore the vowels, the ewill come before the i.

Here are some common words in which the ei combination ispronounced with a long A sound:

  • weigh
  • vein
  • beige
  • eight
  • veil
  • reign

5. EI exceptions: long E sound

The Complete List of English Spelling Rules, Lesson 13: I Before E Except After C (Rules, Examples, Worksheet, and Answer Key) (7)

Coffee contains a chemical called caffeine,which gives you energy.

There are a few words in English that contain an eicombinationthat is pronounced like a long E, after a letterother than c.Of course, this goes against the "I before E except after C" rule thatapplies to this sound.

In fact, some people say the rhyme as:

"I before E,except after C, and except for in weird words like neighbor and weigh."

The last part refers to the long A sound discussed above (neighborand weigh),and the word weirdis an example of a very common exception to the rule. It has a long Esound, but contains an eicombination after a letter other than c.

Here are some more common exceptions with an ei combinationpronounced like a long E after a letter other than c:

  • seize
  • weird
  • protein
  • either
  • neither

The last two words,eitherand neither,are pronounced differently in different countries. In the UnitedStates, the eicombination has a long E sound, so they are important exceptions to therule here.


So, let's review what we have learned about ei and ie combinations inEnglish words:

  1. The "I before E except after C" guideline applies to wordsin which the ie combination has a long E sound.
  2. You will see an ieafter the letter cat the end of words and in a few important exceptions.
  3. When the eicombination is pronounced like a long A, it will be used after lettersother than c.
  4. "I before E except after C" is only a guideline, not astrict rule. There are exceptions!

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The Complete List of English Spelling Rules, Lesson 13: I Before E Except After C (Rules, Examples, Worksheet, and Answer Key) (2024)
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