Wood Fired Clay Pizza Oven Build (With Pizza Recipe) (2024)

Introduction: Wood Fired Clay Pizza Oven Build (With Pizza Recipe)

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Well it has been a long time in the making and an even longer time in the dreaming about, but it is finally done.... Just in time for winter. Doh. Oh well better late than never.

I have been dreaming about building my own oven for ages now. I started talking about how much I would love to build one when I was renting a two bedroom flat. So I couldn’t really make one then. A couple of years after that we moved to a house, but were still renting and I wasn't going to spend all that effort improving someone else's garden. My girlfriend (Now wife) one Christmas got me all the pizza tools and booked me on the "Build and Bake" course at river cottage. She also got me a copy of "Kiko Denzer - Build Your Own Earth Oven" Which I read cover to cover on the train many times and can’t recommend highly enough. There was no turning back from that point. Finally last year we bought our own house and I could finally build my oven I had been dreaming of all this time!

Step 1: Base

First the base..... I poured a concrete slab and set to building the walls, both of which were a first for me. I was going poor a slab of concrete but saw these small lintels at the builders merchant and laid 4 square flag stones on top that had been left in the garden when we bought the house. I wanted to store wood under the oven as we don’t have a lot of space for a separate wood pile. Thinking about it later I wish I had left the back open so there would have been better air flow around the wood keeping it dryer. Instead in the finished oven you can see I have chopped down a wooden pallet to fit in the bottom, so the air can circulate.

Step 2: Fire Bricks

I picked up some fire bricks from http://www.kilnlinings.co.uk (found through the fantastichttp://ukwoodfiredovenforum.proboards.com/index.cgi, thanks guys, lovely bloke really helpful) and laid them out to give me an idea of the size of the floor area. It helped me work out if I would have enough room for all the layers.

Step 3: Bottom Insulation

After a bit more bricklaying. I decided to use the wine bottle insulation method. I had been diligently drinking lots of beer and wine for months. I think I had about 3 times as many bottles as I needed when I actually built it. The gaps in the bottles (leaving room for them to expand under heat) are filled with a clay slip and saw dust used for pet bedding which I picked up from a pet warehouse place. The clay slip is clay that I had kept from digging the foundations, not much but enough for the base. I soaked the clay in water over night and mixed to a double cream type consistency with a plaster mixing attachment I had for my drill.

Step 4: Oven Floor

You are meant to (so I read) put a layer of build soil mix under the fire bricks to give yourself a firm level base to put your fire bricks on. No cement or clay needed. Just work out the best fitting bricks on the floor first. Choosing the best fitting ones for the middle where your bread or pizza will go.

Step 5: Clay

Now to get a lot more clay. I found this a bit of a problem as we only have a small garden and live up in the hills on gritstone. So not a lot of clay beneath our feet, or not very pure stuff at least. After scratching of my head the only place I could think of was my mum and dads house down in the Cheshire planes. Not very local but I knew it would be good as there house is made out of Cheshire brick. Which was probably made with clay dug out of the back field which is very common round there. Surprisingly they agreed to me digging a massive whole in there garden. Mum is a keen gardener and says she suffers from clay bound soil. So digging a massive hole would loosen up the soil and be really good for her plants. Result...

I think we measured took about 13 3 gallon buckets of clay when we finally hit pure stuff. which turned out just enough.

Makeing test bricks is a really good idea. All clay is different (unless you buy it pure I imagine). If you mix up enough clay and sand to make a 1" thick brick shaped lump of clay out of pure clay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 using more clay. The clay is made up of very fine particals and fills in the gaps between the sand. It stops it shrinking and cracking. Use a ruler and score two lines on the bricks 10" ish apart. When they have dried out naturally (dont rush it) You can see how much the bricks have shrunk and cracked. The mix you choose should be hard and not crumble but not have not shrunk by more than 2% in length.

After making some test bricks I came up with a ratio of about 1-1 sand and clay. I think there was a lot of sand in the clay when it came out of the ground.

p.s. I just went down to the builders yard again for the sand. you need a lot. enough to mix with the clay to make a building mix and make the sand form for the dome. Because clay is made of very fine particales that when mixed with sand, fill in the gaps between the grains of sand. So 1 bucket of clay + 1 bucket of sand does not equal 2 buckets of building mix. Again you will have to trail and error the amounts.

Step 6: Build Day

Build day! As my parents were so happy to help me dig up some clay I thought I would push my luck and rope them into treading some mud. It is a long day and I was glad of the help. I would never have done it on my own. Thanks Mum, Dad, Claire and baby rosemary for all your help.

So after marking out the shape of the oven on the bricks wit marker pen (so you can still see it when wet) I piled up sand in to a form. using a stick 16" in height stuck in the middle of the form. So when you start to bury the stick you know the exact height. Kiko Denzer in his book says it is really important to get the ratio of height to door height right apparently. 16" seams the ideal height which at a ratio of 63% gives a door height of 10". It is all in the Kiko book. Shape the sand into a perfect dome nicely compacted down. Then layer the finished sand form with damp newspaper. This is so when emptying it you can feel where to stop digging the sand out.

Now comes the clay sand mix. No straw like in a traditional cob mix which gives it strength. In an oven straw just leaves gaps and air which you don't want. You want supper compacted clay and sand for thermal mass. To make the mix you spread out a big tarp and cover it with a couple of buckets of sand and in my case a couple of bucket of clay (broken up in to little wallnut sized bits). Then tread it into to each other with your feet. If you have made pastry it is very much like rubbing the fat into the flour. You need to really thoroughly mix them together. A tarp come in really useful to do this as you can turn it all over really easily by pulling one side of the tarp to the other (the bigger the tarp the better). When you think it is all mixed in really well do it a bit more. add a bit of water till it holds together but doesn't splat when dropped from a waist height and you are ready to start building. You are going to do this a lot of times before the day is out. You want to build the first layer all in one go so you dont get and dry joints which will crack under high heat.

Grab a hand full of mix and compact it down into a solid ball in your hand. build it up this way hand full by hand full (4" thick) until you reach the top. My mix was a bit wet and it started to sag slightly. So the higher we got the thicker the bottom got. So by the time I got to the top the bottom was about 7" thick.

Step 7: Dome

It looked a bit of a mess at first and I was a bit worried. Until when we had finished I got my plastering trowel out and with some elbow grease and it came up lovely. it looked like a massive one of those marshmallow chocolate teacake things.

Step 8: Drying

It was a really wet summer, I don’t know if you noticed. When I was trying to dry it out was one of the wettest parts. So it took forever to get to a point where I was confident it wouldn't collapse. It was about 3 weeks in the end because it was under a tarpaulin most of the time. When I did open it up and pull all the sand out I also cut back the wall a bit and put in a brick arch (only house bricks though forgot to buy fire bricks for this bit). Also I had a good look at the inner surface of the oven and smoothed out and deformities or cracks with a bit of water and the back of a spoon. The smoother and uniform the inner surface of the oven the better.

Then more drying and waiting... It is SO tempting to light a fire in there and just heat it up and be done with it. Slowly slowly catchy monkey. Just air drying then a few days later couple of tea lights. Then some of those big chunky candles going for hours on end. Then a small fire with kindling. Then next night I tried to do another small fire but it got a bit large and dried it out but some hairline cracks appeared. Next time small fire and decided it looked pretty dry, so cranked it up. I got some cracks about 5 MM on the outside appear but nothing on the inside. Pizzas were good but I don’t think I got it hot enough. and maybe some moister was still in the walls. It took about 5-6 mins to cook a pizza. I am sure I can get that down with more drying and with the insulation layers added.

The final two layers were one of clay slip with sawdust (Nice and loosely packed with loads of air pockets for insulation about 4" thick). When that layer had dried I applied a thin layer of clay, sand and straw mix for plaster (About 1" thick with a very thin coat without the straw to give it a smooth finish).

Step 9: Roof

Finally I built a little roof for it with a removable front so it wont go up in flames. I was really fed up of having a tarp in the garden right outside of my kitchen window. You really need to keep it covered or it will turn back into a pile of clay and sand in the rain. The dome is a lot dryer now with the ventilated roof, I think the tarp was keeping in the moister, much like cling film would. My wife is now calling it the pizza hut, not sure if I like being linked to that establishment but it is better than my mates at work who call it a dog kennel. I really enjoyed making the roof. It was the first time since A-Level Design Tech that I had done any project like this. The amount of cuts on my hands are testament to that.

So I finished this afternoon just in time for winter to hit... oh well couple of weeks the wife and I are hosting a pizza party. So I have got to get the hang of using it before then.

I am no in no way calling myself an expert. I just read a lot about it for a long time before I had a go at it. I hope this helps any of you if you are thinking of doing your own.

If you need any help get yourself over tohttp://ukwoodfiredovenforum.proboards.com/index.cgiThere really is a forum for everything on the internet. There is a wealth ofinformationout there.

p.s. I have full CAD designs for the base and roof if anyone wants them. (I did say I had a lot of time to plan this)


  • overview.pdf


  • door.pdf


  • Pizza oven v5.dwg


Step 10: Update: Door


I finally decided to bite the bullet and make a proper door for my oven. I have been using the form (see below) that i used to make my arch. but as well as it not looking very pretty there were a lot of gaps for air to pass through. you could feel it pouring out with your hand. after all this effort insulating my oven letting all the heat out makes no sense. I picked up a flue thermometer from Clus Olssen which is an amazing £8.49.

It is all wood and has no real protection. It is only meant as a bake door as I have not chimney so cant fire it with a door on so there will be no flame in the oven when it is being used. So I am not worried about it burning too much.

I glued anddoweledtogether three pieces of 4" x 4" fence post I had left over from building the roof for my oven (best £20 I ever spent on ebay still got enough for a prep table). I cut it large then using a electric planer skimmed off the edges at a slight taper till I got a perfect fit. The handle is also carved out ofoff-cutsof the fence post.

I added some stove rope in a routed gully just to give it an extra seal.

I kind of like the massive probe. My only worry with this project is that because the first 4" are encased in solid wood so the whole of the probe is not exposed to the full heat. It works really well. I let it get down to normal oven temps and put a kitchen oventhermometerin it and it was bang on the money.

Step 11: Cooking

Now what I actually made it for cooking. It takes a while to get the hang of building the fire controlling the heat, having the food ready at the same time the oven is ready. but the results WOW!

Step 12: Recipe

The Pizza Recipe is a whole instructable on its own but this is an outline of what I like to do....

Napoletana Pizza Recipe makes 4 10" Pizzas

637g Flour
10g Salt (1 3/4 Tsp) Table salt
3.15g (1 Tsp) instant yeast
450ml cool water

Mix the flour, salt & Yeast together well (making sure that the salt and yeast do not come into contact) add the water all at once and mix to a shaggy ball.
Leave it for 5 minutes for the flour to become fully hydrated and gluten to start to form.
Now knead for 10 minutes or until the dough will pass the windowpane test. (stretch out the dough thinly, it should form a thin skin that will support your finger without ripping)
divide the dough into 4 balls (about 275g each) and place into individual oiled tupperware containers.
leave out for half an hour then put in the fridge overnight.
an hour before baking take them out of the fridge and let come back to room temp. They will have already risen.


1 1/2 tins (400g) crushed Tomatoes / Plum tomatoes drained of most liquid
clove of garlic
1/2 Tsp of red wine vinegar
salt & Pepper
1/2 Tsp Oregano & Basil (fresh if you can get it)

Either lightly blend the sauce with a stick blender or just crush with your hands. there is no need to cook the sauce as the tomato is cooked in the can. the beautiful fresh tomato flavors will be lost if you overcook it.

Topping combinations I really like

Saute some mushrooms with garlic in a frying pan
Fresh Cherry Tomatoes with Artichoke hearts and feta cheese
Olives, Capers & Chilli Flakes

Wood Fired Clay Pizza Oven Build (With Pizza Recipe) (8)

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Wood Fired Clay Pizza Oven Build (With Pizza Recipe) (2024)


How long do you cook a pizza in a wood fired pizza oven? ›

Please take care of the high temperatures. Using a pizza peel, place your pizza on the oven floor, right next to the fire, making sure you rotate it regularly to encourage even cooking. It should only take between 90 seconds to 2 minutes per pizza depending on thickness. Always leave the door open when baking pizza.

How to get a crispy pizza crust in a wood fired pizza oven? ›

Heat your brick oven to the right temperature for a perfectly crispy crust. Preheat the oven to a temperature of around 700°F (370°C) or higher. This high temperature will allow the dough to cook quickly and create a crispy exterior while keeping the inside soft and chewy. Be sure the floor is hot first.

What is the ratio of sand to clay in a pizza oven? ›

Clay mixed with sand (two to three parts of sand to one part of clay) is then mixed with water (and by your feet) to make a firm, yet pliable mixture.

What is the best temperature for a wood fired pizza oven? ›

Your wood fired pizza oven temperature will have a wider, hotter range than a conventional oven. For pizza, the oven temperature should be at least 700 degrees, but ideally 850 degrees and 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. For other rustic breads, like focaccia and baguettes, aim for 550 degrees to 650 degrees.

Do you close the door on a wood fired pizza oven? ›

Once the wood fired pizza oven has reached the ideal temperature, you will need to close the door and flue to ensure the oven heat is retained and then start cooking. 11. You can open the door during the cooking process to check on your food.

Do you need special mortar for pizza oven? ›

The best material for pizza oven construction is a high-temperature refractory mortar, which is designed to withstand temperatures up to 2000°F (1093°C).

How many bricks do I need to build a wood fired pizza oven? ›

About 30 bricks: at least 20 will need to be smooth and solid, with no recess (frog) or holes (perforations), to form your oven floor.

How many pieces of wood do I need for a pizza oven? ›

For the average brick oven you'll need 4 or so sheets of newspaper, a good amount of kindling (thin dry twigs), and 16 to 20 pieces of firewood of between 1 and 2 inches in diameter.

How do you mix fire clay for pizza oven? ›

Prior to use, the fireclay should be mixed with Portland Cement in the ratio – 2 parts fireclay to one part cement. Dry fireclay should be mixed with water to achieve a consistency similar to peanut butter. Avoid making the mixture too wet but more water may be added if the mixture begins to dry out.

How long does it take to cook a pizza in a clay oven? ›

A clay oven, fired for a few hours, will reach temperatures well in excess of 400° C and it's this furnace-like heat that turns a thin circle of dough, topped with oil, meats and cheese, into an absolute gourmet treat! Pizzas cooked in a clay oven take no longer than 2 minutes to cook.

Can you use terracotta tiles in a pizza oven? ›

300mm x 300mm x 25mm terracotta tiles are suitable for use in building your pizza oven. These tiles are manufactured by hand in our plant and are fired to extremely high temperatures. These can also be used as a pizza stone.

What temperature do you cook wood pizza? ›

Wood-Fired Temperature Scale
CentigradeFahrenheitType of Cooking
200-230C400-450FGeneral baking, enriched breads
260-290C500-550FRoasting, focaccia, hearth breads
320-350C600-650FFast cooking vegetables, baguettes, tapas
370C+700F+Pizza, fast cooking tapas
3 more rows

How long does it take to get a wood-fired pizza oven ready? ›

The more you use a wood fire oven, the less time it takes to start up before baking. For people using the oven every day, you will need about 15-20 minutes to heat the oven. Usually, the oven needs about 30-40 minutes of flame in order to reach temperatures high enough to make pizza.

How to use a woodfired pizza oven? ›

You will cook directly on the oven floor so you want to have the right temperature on the cooking surface. To get high temperatures on the oven floor, you can spread out a bed of hot embers where the pizzas will cook before pushing the fire to the back of the oven in preparation for cooking.

What temperature do you bake pizza at? ›

The best oven temperature for pizza is between 450 and 500 degrees F (250 to 260 degrees C). Pizza ovens cook at temperatures between 800 and 900 degrees F. You can't get that hot in your home oven, but the higher you can go, the better. Place a pizza stone on a lower oven rack.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.